How do I get a referral?
Most people speak to their GP first about their gut symptoms and get a formal referral letter. If you do not wish to speak to your GP, or cannot rapidly get agreement for a specialist referral you can phone/email for an appointment directly.
How do I make an appointment?
Please phone my secretary Cerys in Exeter 07471 467023 or contact us online and we can discuss a suitable date and time with you.
Where will I be seen?
Your consultation will be at the private consulting rooms at Nuffield Health Exeter Hospital, Wonford Road, near the centre of Exeter. Parking can be difficult so do allow plenty of time for your journey.
If I need an endoscopy, where will it be performed?
Dr Ahmad performs private endoscopic procedures at the Royal Devon and Exeter Hospital and at the Nuffield hospital, Exeter.
How long will my appointment be?
A new patient consultation appointment typically lasts for 40 minutes and a follow up appointment lasts 20 minutes.
How do I arrange investigations if they are recommended?
We will discuss any requirements for investigations at the time of your appointment. It is usually possible to arrange all tests within 2-3 weeks if you wish. Some people choose to schedule tests several weeks ahead on a specific date, if there is not an urgent clinical need.
Where can I find the instructions for bowel preparation prior to colonoscopy?
The laxatives and instructions will be given to you, or sent to you by first class post, once your booking has been confirmed. If the procedure is being carried out at very short notice (less than 1 week) you may be asked to collect the preparation from the Nuffield hospital or from the Endoscopy department at the Royal Devon and Exeter Hospital. The instructions are also available on this website.
What happens if I have a problem after my appointment or operation?
During standard office hours you should speak to my secretary, Cerys on Exeter 07471 467023. If you have an urgent or emergency problem following surgery outside of office hours, you should speak to the Nuffield Health Exeter hospital switchboard.
Do I need to tell my insurance company I am coming to see you?
We strongly recommend that you speak to your insurance company before attending for any appointment or investigation. You will be liable for all specialist fees for consultation, investigations and surgery. Some insurance companies have exclusions or restrictions to treatments they will fund. Obtaining a pre-authorisation is the safest way to ensure you do not have any unexpected charges to pay from your appointment.
How do I pay for consultation and treatment?
If you have health insurance we will normally arrange to settle your invoice directly with your insurance company, and all you will need to pay is any excess charge that is not covered (if applicable). If you do not have insurance we will normally arrange for an invoice to be sent to your home address.